Understanding Dumpster Size & Capacity

Why Actual Dumpster Capacity May Vary 

Dumpster Footprint Sizes & “Typical Outside Dimensions”

The Typical Outside Dimensions listed on this site have been rounded for ease of reading, and are based on actual dumpster footprint size measurements issued by one manufacturer. “Footprint size,” according to the manufacturer, is defined as “overall dimension and includes the front wheels for length, toilets for height and widest part of dumpster for width.” 

Because numbers have been rounded and actual dumpster measurements vary based on manufacturer, any “Typical Outside Dimensions” included on this site should be considered a close approximation.  

Dumpsters by Size & Correlation to Capacity

Typically, dumpsters are named for the approximate number of cubic yards they can hold when full, which may also be considered their maximum capacity (e.g. A 30-yard dumpster could, in theory, hold up to 30 cubic yards of material). However, when in use, the actual capacity of each dumpster varies for many reasons, including the dumpster’s manufacturer and the container design, as well as the size, weight, and volume of materials being discarded. 

Standard vs. Elite Dumpster Capacity 

The capacity of the Elite dumpsters are less than Standard dumpsters to accommodate the attached portable toilet.

Determining the Right Dumpster Size & Capacity 

The best way to choose the right roll-off dumpster rental is to talk to a dumpster+ expert. If you have questions regarding the suitability of a dumpster size for the project you are expecting, please reach out to your local dumpster+ team for assistance in determining the correct size.

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